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Technical specs
- Custom Swerve drive geared for 5.6 m/s free speed powered by 4 Kraken motors and rotated by 4 Falcon motors. Updated architecture to fit the robot's compact design.
- Under-the-bumper floor intake, using 4 silicon wrapped aluminum rollers, 1 inch (+3mm silicon) in diameter, powered by 2 Falcon motors. Designed to allow the robot to run over the notes and quickly collect them without stopping while enduring impacts with other robots.
- 2 indexing rollers lead into the shooter, where the notes are slightly squished (270mm width) into a more elliptical shape for better packaging. The notes are fed by these rollers into 4 (2 top, 2 bottom) 44mm vulcanized rubber coated aluminum rollers.
- A pair of carbon fiber arms lift climbing hooks onto the chain that are then pulled down by two winches. Two spring loaded arms (made of carbon fiber), installed on the shooter arm pop open to push on the trap to enable shooting.